October 25, 2013

Hard work & Determination

Whether You Think You Can Or You Can't...You're Right

Today's workout was designed by my trainer and co-worker, Derrick Berry, also done at the place I work in the picture above, The HIT Center, The photo above is me getting set for a Trap Bar Dead lift, it is not full ROM yet, just getting my hands and feet comfortable :) 

Trap Bar Dead lifts: 145 x 10 x 3
Reverse Grip Pull Ups 10 x 3

Chest Press: 35 x 15 x 3
DB Row: 40 x 12 x 3

Glute/Ham Raise: Bodyweight x 8 x 2
3D Band Pull Aparts: 15 x x
Abs on GHD with 16# Medball x 15 x 2

October 21, 2013

Total Body Workout!

So as of today i am starting a new workout scheme thanks to my boss at my work (THE HIT CENTER) who has made these workouts! Kudos to you Derrick! Can't wait to see more positive changes! This is a total body lifting routine that targets the main muscle groups in your Chest/Back/Legs! Killer workout that took me about an hour and a half... not to shabby!

Remember these are the weights I used, adjust accordingly - Everything is super set.. meaning one exercise after another.. ex: A1) A2)- A1) A2), A1) A2) -- move on to be.. etc.

A1) Bench Press: 95 x 10-12 x 3
A2) Pull Ups: Assisted weight 160 x 10-12 x 3

B1) Box Squats: 155 x 10 x 3
B2) Bodyweight Rows: BW 12 x 3

C1) Kettlebell front lunges: 2 15lb kettle bells ( like front squat form) 12each leg x 2
C2) Band Pull Aparts: 15 x 2
C3) Straight Leg Sit ups: 10DB over head, sit up with weight over head still.. legs straight out x2

C1-C3 can be done 2-3 rounds if desired :)

Stretch and ENJOY!

October 19, 2013

Long Time No See!

Sorry for going MIA everyone.. midterms and lots of studying have consumed my life the past few weeks! Straight A's are the goal! anyways hope everyone's been having great workouts and lots of football fun this fall so far!

So Halloween is coming up and my staff at work are going to be superheros while we train our clients. I have chosen to be Wonder Woman haha should be a fun time! Here's a workout for a Wonder Woman Physique ! Weights will very person to person, these are just what i use <3

Flat DB Press (ALT) 35 x 15 x 2
Biceps Curls 20 x 12 x 2

Walking Lunge W/ Plate press 25 x 12 each leg x 2
Box Jumps 24in. 10 x 2

Front Raise/ Upright Row 30 Kettle Bell x 10 x 2
Lateral Raise 12 x 12 x 2

Cardio- 2 miles at 7 mph

Abs- Any mix of 200 reps ... ex 10 sets of 20 reps :)