Okay yall, so if you're anything like me, the holidays are a crazy, tempting, and busy time of the year, especially with all of the yummy food available and all of the social gatherings and what not. It's very important to reevaluate your goals and WANTS vs NEEDS. Remember to continue to work towards your goal that you started in January 2014, and to finish what you started. We have the oppurtunity to create new goals WANTS and NEEDS for 2015!
That being said here, are my Monday Legs and Tuesday Arms workouts for this week 12/8-12/9
Gatorade Energy Chews: Strawberry flavored Lululemon Scarf: Open Heart Warmer North Face Osito Jacket |
Monday legs:
10 min stair master warmup- alternating intervals between 8-12
Walking Lunges: 60lb bar- 3 sets of 10 each leg
Sumo Kettlebell Squats- 3 x 12 at 40lb
Hack Squat- 2 (45lb) plates- 3 x 10
RDL with plates (25) 3 x 12
Barbell Hip Ext- 3 x 10 At 85lb
Core Cable Rotations- 3 x 10 each side
5 sets of Jacobs ladder- 1 min intervals
5 min jog cool down!
Tuesday arms:
20 min alternating incline walk
5 min run
Overhead DB shoulder press: 35 x 3 x 12
Bar Upright Row: 40 x 3 x 12
Cable Bicep Curls: 3 x 12
Cable Tricep Band Pressdown 3 x 12
Landmine Shoulder Press: 2 x 10 each arm
Side bend on back ext: 2 x 12 each side
Landmine core rotation: 2 x 10 each side
Sunday Night Meal Prep: Grilled Chicken, Rice, Zucchini & Squash |
Ps: I'm almost finished with the fall 2014 semester- Presentations, Finals, and Exams are almost overwith!! May the odds be ever in my favor! |